When the summer ends...

Thursday, January 31, 2008 / 10:48 AM
Its time to say goodbye.
I'm finally back blogging. After months of contemplating on whether i should start or not, i decided to just do it cos i kind of wanna keep track of things that is occuring around me. Goodbye $1.99 journals and hellooo blogspot!

Anyway last tuesday was basically my last day in school, not officially though. I consider it the last lesson of my poly life, hopefully. I just wanna say im gonna miss the 'makcik quaters' club. It seems just like yesterday when we first got to noe each other. Me with my curly hair, farah looking as fierce as ever (sorry babe, i dint ask you out for lunch earlier..hehe!) and not forgetting Haz, with those broken arms of yours. It was seriously kecoh! Well those days have long gone, and we each have chose a different path. Im gonna miss those days of skipping lectures and deciding where to eat (it can be a big issue), gossiping and complaining (the reason why school is fun) and half of the time dreaming and deciding what to do with our future. You guys are gonna be missed big time but im sure sooner or later we'll have our session again aite...

Not forgetting shan and vicky of course, it won't be complete without you gals. The noisiest and craziest of the bunch..

well so long to those times..im glad that it has a been a pleasant journey...

My all time fav pic..we look so young..hahah!

Monday, January 14, 2008 / 9:22 PM
A good start...
These thoughts are finding its way out....


Dahlia, 21 years and still surviving. 12/11/1987,just another average homosapien. Unpredictable and eccentric. Still searching for something or maybe someone but clueless for now.

