When the summer ends...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009 / 3:08 PM
How time pass so fast and before i knew it, its gonna be 2010. Alot has change, new people i meet and not forgetting new places. As i embark on a new journey and challenges for 2010, i keep praying and hoping at the end of the day there is purpose and meaning to this life. I found someone who brightens up my day and being my smile whenever things get tough and hopefully who will be the strength to let me have faith in love and life.

Happy Advanced Birthday Rizal!

looking ahead to more adventures with you =)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009 / 1:22 PM
Hello world!

I'm left with one day of my annual leave before I'm off to work. Anyway, I had a beautiful week of leave particularly because a loved one did a great job of surprising me. Thanks to you and your friends for lighting the candles on the beach.It was simply beautiful till i cried hahah!

Thank you for the yummy chocolate cake =))

Thank you for a new found friend and a collage to remember us by...

and now, i wish for......

Lastly thank-you for making my day always. I'm glad to have you in my life.

The one i want to meet at Punggol Park in 50 years time.Heheh!=p

ps: sorry for the oily faces and awkward poses cos its totally unexpected..


Dahlia, 21 years and still surviving. 12/11/1987,just another average homosapien. Unpredictable and eccentric. Still searching for something or maybe someone but clueless for now.

